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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Milki Train’s essence
I’m thrilled to share the essence of Milki Train and highlight the aspects that make me enjoy witnessing its development day after day. 
In my opinion, informed and aware freedom of expression is essential. I have always been animated by the need to be aligned with myself. 
Which is why, creating a brand that revolves around breastfeeding has crystalized a sort of paradox: I was not a mom when we launched Milki Train, and I am still not. 
So I am sure you can grasp how easy it was for me to feel like an imposter on a subject as sensitive and sometimes divisive as breastfeeding can be. At times, it was difficult to feel entirely legitimate. Nonetheless, I was always drawn towards working around this special moment in a woman’s life, and believe that this feeling was a guiding force.  
Through Milki Train, we want to address universal problems, often female, maternal, and above all - human. 
I see clothes as a means of expression and heard the concern from women who felt strongly about not wanting to lose or give up, even temporarily because of breastfeeding, the aesthetic and individuation aspect of clothes. 
We have an almost endless array of clothing choices as women, yet, once a woman becomes a mom, I have often seen that she has less of a right to clothes that reflect her style or personality than to a uniform designed around practicality and comfort.
Like a subliminal message addressed to women.  
When we become a Mother, should our multi-dimensions be put aside to make room for this single entity? I believe becoming a mother doesn’t take away from who you are, it enhances it, so I want to fight for the woman in you, just as much as for the mother. 
Milki Train was therefore born out of this desire to create a wardrobe intended for those "left behind by the fashion industry" - breastfeeding mothers. We wanted to provide them with a means of expression as women while retaining the comfort of dedicated nursing clothing so that they would have the confidence to breastfeed anywhere and anytime.
And we did not wish to stop there.  
Milki Train provides the opportunity to raise awareness of a second issue close to my heart. Namely, the impact on our planet of clothing manufacturing. This project seeks to join in the narrative of changes necessary in both our consumption and production patterns.
With that in mind, our choices are led by conscious decisions on quality and style whilst maintaining an environmentally sustainable approach in our supply chain.
This is clearly demonstrated by our use of durable and certified biological materials in the production of our collections as well as our commitment to using 100% recycled/zero-waste packaging.
So while we nurture the young with the hope of a brighter, better future, we are also nurturing a long-lasting legacy of care for the planet. It is this constant self-evaluation and commitment to a better way of doing things that drives the dream behind Milki Train.
To be at the forefront of creating a stylish wardrobe for breastfeeding mothers at a reasonable price, without exploiting the human beings whom without, this adventure would not be possible or damaging the planet, a wardrobe that could even be regenerative in our craziest dreams, thereby promoting a better world for future generations.
I would be honored if Milki Train, my baby, could grow alongside your babies. Milki Train is a tribute to all mothers that have been and all those that are to come.
Happy New Year Mamas!
Thank you for supporting us in this crazy adventure!